Executive Coaching

We operate a high challenge,
high support model.

To genuinely elevate performance, you need to start with honest – and sometimes challenging – feedback and reflection.  Then you need to create aspirational goals, apply meaningful actions and stay the course.

Coaching for Executive Leaders

Everyone needs a confidential sounding board; someone you can test your thinking with and openly evaluate your decisions and actions.  Our high challenge, high support model can be applied in many ways – in this instance, we will challenge your thinking and support you to reflect honestly to help you make the right decisions.

Executive Development - Coaching for New and/or Middle Managers

Frequently people are promoted because of their operational expertise but they have had little experience of managing people.  There are two aspects of growth in this instance; the first is getting the balance right between management and operational expectations, and the second is learning to lead people when the buck stops with you.  Although most people believe they know what is involved, they are frequently surprised, and sometimes overwhelmed, at the time and energy involved in managing a team.  Most personal grievances in organisations will occur at this level because of the under-investment of time and expertise to develop the middle management tiers. 

Purpose Built Careers will tailor a coaching solution that’s right for your situation to ensure achievement of the outcomes you want.

Book a FREE 15 minute call with Joanne

Book a 15 minute session with a coach to discuss the course in detail and if this is the right fit for you 

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