Back To Work

Jumpstart your career, build confidence and get clear on the pathway that is right for you and your family.

How do you create the career future you want and still be the parent you want to be? 

Remember the days when you walked out of the house with just your phone, wallet and car keys? Now it's like you have to pack for an overseas holiday every day and juggle competing timetables.  How do you fit your career aspirations into all of that?  The landscape has changed, but with some reflection and planning that also brings new opportunities, new ideas and new ways of doing things.


Top features

  • Back to Work programme access
  • Workbook pdf
  • Step by step video guidance
  • Access to Purpose Built Careers Library and resources
  • Online group workshops lead by Joanne
  • 2x 1 hour consultations with Joanne 


Top features

  • Back to work programme access
  • Workbook pdf
  • Step by step video guidance
  • Access to Purpose Built Careers Library and resources

Still not sure if this course is right for you?

Call Joanne to discuss this course and answer any questions you may have

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What do I get out of this course?

  • Clarity of direction about career and family
  • Strong understanding of your priorities and boundaries as a working parent
  • Confidence to make the right decisions and to take the leap back to work
  • A roadmap for the short term and long term future
  • Support and connection


How do I complete this programme?

There is a workbook with five modules and accompanying instructional videos.
Each lesson builds upon the previous one to which help you navigate through every angle of going back to work and being a healthy and fulfilled working parent. 

There are three options, the first is to complete the course with the workbook and instructional videos alone. 

The second is the workbook and videos plus two workshops facilitated by Joanne.
The third includes all the above listed features plus two one on one coaching sessions with Joanne.

Who is this course for?

Anyone who has been out of the workforce for a while, for whatever reason, and is unsure about what they go back to, how they go back, or even if they want to go back! 

Although there is a strong slant towards parents going back to work after maternity leave, it can include anyone who has taken extended leave and wants to build confidence to return to a fulfilling career.

This course is based around 5 stages


Exploration & Clarity

Identify where you
are now
Understand your mental constructs
Life balance
Identify values



Purpose & motivation
Transferable skills & talents
Valuable experience


Your Vital Self

Health and wellbeing 
Social connections
Energy inventory


Fit for Purpose
Ready for work
Business options
Work from home


Strategic Search

Goal setting
CV development 
Interview preparation
Using social media
Effective networking


You are an intelligent, capable person who has a lot to offer.  

There are so many things to consider when you think of going back to work after having children – exhaustion, overload, overwhelm, exhilaration, mental stimulation and adult conversations which don’t involve the wheels on the bus going round and round!

One of the aspects of parenting that we may not have fully grasped before, is our personal identity. You may have once had a career or job that you found intellectually stimulating, challenging and which gave you the comfort of a social network with like-minded people. You are still that person but circumstances are such that you don’t have the time, the energy, the headspace, or – and this is a big one – the desire, to go back to doing what you were doing before.


Your career choice is a personal voyage and it’s your voyage, based on what is right for you and your family.


Identify a path that feels, looks and sounds right for you


To make the transition back to work successfully it helps to have a well thought out plan and to choose something that motivates you and lifts your energy.

This career programme is designed to help you navigate your way through uncertainty and change. The aim of this programme is to identify a path that feels, looks and sounds right for you and your family circumstances.  

Call Joanne today for a FREE 15 minute consult

Call Joanne to discuss this course and answer any questions you may have

OR book a time that suits you below

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Purchase your programme



Top features

  • Back to Work programme access
  • Workbook pdf
  • Step by step video guidance
  • Access to Purpose Built Careers Library and resources
  • Online group workshops lead by Joanne
  • 2x 1 hour consultations with Joanne 



Most Popular

  • Back to Work programme access
  • Workbook pdf
  • Step by step video guidance
  • Access to Purpose Built Careers Library and resources
  • Online group workshops lead by Joanne



Top features

  • Back to work programme access
  • Workbook pdf
  • Step by step video guidance
  • Access to Purpose Built Careers Library and resources