School Leaver Programme 

Connecting the dots between your strengths, interests, personality and career.

Open your thinking to all of the possibilities as well as your capabilities

The programme is designed to identify your personality, your values, your strengths and your passions so that you can start making deliberate and educated choices about your future.


Top features

  • School Leavers course access
  • Workbook pdf
  • Access to Purpose Built Careers library and resources
  • 3 personalised sessions
    with Joanne


Top features

  • School Leavers course access
  • Workbook pdf
  • Access to Purpose Built Careers library and resources
  • 4 online or in-person group workshops with Joanne

Still not sure if this course is right for you?

Call Joanne to discuss this course and answer any questions you may have

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What do I get out of this course?

  • Clarity of direction about career and study
  • A deeper understanding of your personality and the types of jobs that are right for you
  • Confidence to make the right decisions
  • A roadmap to help you plan how to get where you want to get to
  • Support and connection

How do I complete this programme?

You will receive a workbook with four modules, with each lesson and module building upon the previous one.   There are three options for completing this programme.  The first is to join our workshops online where we go through the workbook together and I will spend individual time with each person to ensure you are getting personalised one on one time.  The second option is to complete the course one on one with Joanne.  The third is that periodically we will run in-house workshops either on weekends or school holidays.  Dates will be posted to the website for these.

Who is this course for?

Any student from years 11 – 13 who is either trying to decide which subjects to take or deciding which pathway you would like to choose when you leave school.  Equally if you have left school and you are still not sure, then this is the course for you.

This Course has 4 stages

01. Discover

Understand how your beliefs
inform your decisions
Identify your critical values
Understand who and what your influences are

02. Know Thyself

Identify your key skills
Recognise your strengths
Clarify your passions
Learn about your responsibility

03. Research & Test

Evaluate career opportunities
Identify pathways for further exploration
Clarify courses, steps, channels and networks

04. Create Plans

Establish goals
Understand obstacles and
create strategies

What People Are Saying

Our clients' success speaks volumes.

"Jo is very skilled at accurately providing an insightful analysis of your character and skills, and how that may link to your career. The programme works best if you are honest with yourself, and luckily the questions encourage you to dig deep into your core values and motivations. This course can benefit all types of people, no matter how sure or unsure you are about your career path. I would say that it is especially valuable for those who have given little thought to their career and dont know where to start, and/or to those who are struggling with making plans and decisions about their career and want a clearer direction. Overall this programme was a great tool for planning, self-evaluation and clarity." 
Anna - Year 12


"Thank you Joanne for the advice and encouragement my daughter received during the online careers workshop. She thoroughly enjoyed the workshops and connecting with other students, and you were able to open her mind to new career paths, while giving her the tools to be able to research different options. I have never seen her so excited abouther future! "  
Parent of year 11 student.


"I came to Jo for direction and career advice part way through my gap year. I had graduated high school with UE but had no idea what I wanted to do at university or career wise. Jo helped me find my path without being patronising or condescending. Her experience and skills were integral to my admission into university. I went from not wanting to go to university at all, with no idea what I wanted to do, to enrolled and accepted into my first-choice course within 4 sessions with Jo. She was able to guide me towards my path without being pushy or overbearing. She was an excellent influence on me and genuinely changed my life. I am incredibly happy that I was able to access Jo’s services. She was so genuine in getting to know me and I would absolutely recommend her to anyone needing guidance or career advice." 
Ella Short

You may feel like this is the biggest decision you will ever have to make

That can feel a little overwhelming, particularly if you have no idea what you want to do.  Research has shown that the closer you align your career path to your personality, strengths and interests, the more successful your career choice will be. 

By gaining clarity about your skills and preferences you will gain confidence to take that first step towards a purposeful and fulfilling career.

This career programme will help you navigate through the fog and identify actionable solutions

Our thoroughly researched career programme helps you to gain better insight


as to what is important to you, what motivates you and what really rings your bells.

You will move through our four stage process using a mixture of worksheets, card sorts and discussion, to chart your own course for the future.  Whatever your circumstances, you can take control and make deliberate decisions towards a Purpose Built career.

Call Joanne today for a FREE 15 minute consult

Call Joanne to discuss this course and answer any questions you may have
OR book a time that suits you below

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One-On-One Sessions Available



Top features

  • School Leavers course access
  • Workbook pdf
  • Access to Purpose Built Careers library and resources
  • 3 personalised sessions 
    with Joanne
Book in now



Top features

  • School Leavers course access
  • Workbook pdf
  • Access to Purpose Built Careers library and resources
  • 3 in-person or online group workshops with Joanne
Book in now